The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life

What is the flower of life ?

    The flower of life is a drawing used for several millennia, by many populations. It is difficult to know its exact origin: this symbol was found in the Egyptian temples, for example. It is a symbol that is often connected to the sacred, to the spiritual, to the beliefs. It is also used as a decoration.

    The flower of life is made up of several circles of the same size, connected together thanks to their centers.

    So you can use the flower of life to recharge the stones; But not only: it is also useful with food, water or health products ...

    Find here On the online store La Fleur de Vie

    Flower of Life
    • Why and how the flower of life recharges the stones ?


    The flower of life has an ideal geometric shape for recharging stones. The recharging is carried out thanks to the vibrational frequencies of the flower, which are powerful.

    Recharge by flower of life constitutes a rapid and not very restrictive method. You don't need to place your stones in the sun or under the moon. This method is also recommended for fragile minerals, whose color can be easily altered.



    • How to use the flower of life with the stones ?

    Concretely you can place one or more stones on the flower of life. Leave an entire night This will then be recharged the next morning ...

    You can recharge Several stones at the same time on the flower of life.


    Flower of Life
    • Why should we purify the stones, and how ?

    Before arriving to you: your stone in the form of jewelry has been handled by several people and it is advisable to remove negative influences he took care of.
    It is for this reason that it takes purify your stone  and then there recharge so that it regains its full efficiency.
    •  When to purify the stones ?

    Regularly : that's to say Every 8 to 10 days If you wear your stone every day

    Little reminder to know

      The stones are alive and transform as they use : they change their shade, crack, and can even lose their properties if they are too asked.
      But if you maintain them well and send them positive energy, they will keep it and will be able to return it to you.


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