Frequently asked questions

The answers to the most common questions.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, do not hesitate to contact us on the chat or on the page of contact

Moonstone is an excellent semi-precious stone for fertility because it can influence hormones and regulate them.

In addition, its calming power relieves stress and allows rebalancing of emotions. This will therefore help you be in the best possible measures to design.

And to really put the odds on your side, we recommend our Couple fertility pack Who are assisting you, but also your partner, to be at the top of your fertility.

As there is a wide variety of stones and each problem is unique, write us directly on our cat to share your ills with us.

We will be happy to provide you with personalized support by treating your requests individually to guide you to the stone you need!

The easiest way is to carry the stones in such a way that they are In contact with the body : necklace, bracelet .... 
The stones in contact with the body throughout the day will have plenty of time to act on you, and bring the vibrations and energies you need.

It is important not to not carry your stone at night In order to let it rest to be effective the next day: you can leave your stone at night at the place of your choice (bedside table, jewelry box ...)

Before arriving to you: your stone in the form of jewelry has been handled by several people and it is advisable to remove negative influences he took care of.

It is for this reason that it takes purify your stone with natural incense and then there recharge so that it regains its full efficiency.

Consult our recommendation page To purify and recharge your stone.

Before carrying your stone for the first time, it must be purified.
The best means of purification is incense: it will bring out all the energy power of your stone.

Fold in accordion the incense paper, with a lighter light it and suffocate the flame right away so that it does not ignite, then purify your stones in the smoke that emerges for 2 minutes.

Recharging your stone can be done thanks to 3 methods: by theexposure to daylight, by theexposure to the radiation of the moon, or by using the Flower of Life.

The first two methods include specificities dependent on the stones concerned. This is why we advise to use The flower of life, which is suitable for all stones.

Just place your stones on it for a minimum of 8 hours, during your sleep for example, in order to recharge them.

It is important that it is done every week to continue to take advantage of their properties, energies and power!

The flower of life can be placed on your bedside table where you will put your stones once a week to recharge them, before enjoying their power and maximized benefits.

Yes you can carry several stones on you But it will be necessary to balance Energies of stones on the body.

For example: 1 bracelet on each wrist rather than all on the same arm or 1 bracelet + 1 necklace.

We must not forget, for this kind of treatment: the stone acts gently, in depth, and You have to give him time to act ...      

We cannot give a notion of time, because everyone is unique, and the reactions can be fast enough, for some people for a few days and for others for a few weeks/months. 

Lithotherapy is a natural method of care by minerals

This ancestral technique allows relieve Pain, calm stress, balance and harmonize mind, emotional, physical, and trigger a healing process.

We invite you to consult our blog on this subject.