The benefits of stones from conception to breastfeeding

The benefits of stones from conception to breastfeeding

Throughout their lives, women live intense physical and emotional upheavals. Pressure to have a baby, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are difficult trials that generate waves of emotions and deep fatigue.

Stones therapy is an interesting natural alternative to rebalance energies or soothe anxieties.

But what stones to use? Can they stimulate fertility and what are their benefits on pregnancy or breastfeeding? Let us take a point on these magic minerals with 1000 virtues.


1/ Boost your fertility

Such roller coaster, the course to have a baby is sometimes winding. Dotted with stress, joy, disappointment and passion, it swallows all your energy and can make you lose your confidence. What if the stones gave you a boost? Indeed, each of them has its own properties since antiquity.


She will help you defeat your anxieties and find this lost confidence that shakes you. In addition, it will be your ally throughout your maternity journey. Procreation by boosting your fertility, until after the birth by promoting the lactation.

Learn more and order: Moonstone 


Hunt your negative thoughts with the Corneline. Indeed, you have Need positive waves to design your baby. Therefore, this stone you will appease and will help you find the serenity And the esteem of yourself.

It will also take care of your organs such as your kidneys, your liver and your gallbladder which are very popular during a pregnancy.

In addition, she Strengthens sexuality, acts on ovulation and Protects from false layers.

Learn more and order: Corneline bracelet

Corneline bracelet

His sweet color suits him like a glove. Stone of love and tenderness, pink quartz you will bring appeasement and tranquility. Nevertheless, this Mineral does not only bring romanticism, he also plays a key role in blood circulation, arteries and hearts.

 Learn more and order: Rose quartz bracelet

Rose quartz bracelet

2/ A serene pregnancy

The upcoming arrival of a baby causes anxiety and fear. Do not let these fears spoil your daily life. In addition to the stones used during design, widen your virtuous sphere with other complementary minerals such as:


  • Moonstone 🖤

This stone Protect pregnancy And Soothes future mothers A little too worried for their future child.

Learn more and order: Bracelet Moon stone 


  • Tiger's eye 🤎

This mineral is aptly named. Thanks to him, fight your invasive energies, your tensions and your mental exhaustion. He will bring his claw to the preservation of Your good health especially that of your respiratory system. So you can Keep your strengths and combativeness To give birth to your child.

Learn more and order: Tiger eye bracelet

tiger eye bracelet


3/ Breastfeeding

You finally keep your treasure close to your heart. Nothing is more natural for you than breastfeeding your baby. Yet you feel tired, end of strength and you feared that this drop in tone will alter the quality of your milk. In order to promote good lactation and optimal relaxation, you can count on this stone help.


  • Moonstone 🖤

Precious help against fertility, this sacred stone you will help not only against your anxieties but also for breastfeeding your child. Indeed, she Promotes the rise of milk.

Learn more and order: Moonstone




Happiness and inner peace are the results of harmony between body and mind. Thanks to their different crystallization rates, stones help restore energy flows and bring as many benefits as beauty. If maternity is a miracle of nature, crystals are also one.


🔺 Important warning 🔺
This information on the possibilities of stones is given for information.
They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or medical treatment.
In the event of a health problem, always consult your doctor.


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1 comment
  • Bonjour,
    j’ai commandé les pierres de lune et cornaline fin juin 2021.
    Reçu le 1er juillet, purifier et recharger avec la fleur de vie le soir même.
    Je les ai porté à partir du 2 juillet tous les jours, pendant 1 mois. Dans un 1er temps, dès le port, plus aucunes douleurs pré -menstruel,un calvaire à vivre chaque mois.
    Et début août j’apprends que je suis enceinte.
    On est tellement contents, surtout que cela faisait 1ans et demi que nous essayons d’avoir notre 4eme bb. Je vais continuer à les porter pendant la grossesse.
    J’espère mesdames que vous aurez un beau + avec vos bracelets.

    Sandrine on

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