Which stones for children?

Which stones for children?

When we are keen Through the benefits of stones, we often want to make our loved ones enjoy it and it is completely normal.

However if you are looking for a stone for your child, you should know that not all stones correspond to babies and children, which is why it is very important to choose the stone in question.
We'll recommend a few stones which will be very beneficial to your child according to his age:



    From 4 years old :

    Around the age of 4, the child can start carrying crystals such as the Pink quartz, linked to love, this stone Calm and harmonizes everyday life.
    Energies of sweetness, tenderness and security come from this crystal. It establishes a feeling of confidence in children. 
    On the wrist, the pink quartz rests and calms the child so that he can sleep.
    It also brings a feeling of calm in all situations, this one also helps anxiety, THE fears and the emotional disorders.



    Pink quartz


    L'Amethyst is very useful for children. She Calm evening excitement and therefore allowsto have Restoring sleep For young children. Amethyst helps overcome fears, whether at the crèche, at school or in the event of separation.
    This stone Reduces stress, purifies and eliminates negative energies
    Children need protection, and especially to protect their hearts. 


    Pierre Amethyst


    L'Adventurine Strengthens and restores the energy of the heart, it helps to take initiatives for timid children.
    This stone also has benefits for children with too many emotions, it allows them to be controlled.
    If your child has a lot of anger, the adventurine is perfect for calming him.

    Pierre Aventurine


    Childhood is the period of questioning, curiosity, and therefore of introspection. Indeed, many children are In lack of self -esteem, there Cornear is then there to make them grow.

    This stone Also calm excess anger Or other emotions.

    On the side of learning, it allowsimprove concentration And stimulates the brain. Cornaline is a gentle anchoring stone, it also removes the negative.

    Corneline stone


    For adolescents :

    Finally, the Citrine is used for older children, adolescents.

    Indeed it is perfect on the desk of a student, to assist in concentration And very effective during periods of exam or intellectual efforts.

    This stone emanates from vibrations of success, it allowsHelp the most timid people to assert themselves. In addition, it allowsPAISING FAMILIES DISAGNITIONS or collective problems.

    Citrine stone
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