The stones to overcome mourning

The stones to overcome mourning

The lithotherapy stones for mourning cited below are effective during periods of sorrow and the healing process accompanying a great loss.

The loss of a loved one remains a difficult period for most of us. Anger, pain, sadness ... Several emotions rage and upset our daily lives. Mourning, however, remains essential to move forward. To tame your pain and go up the slope, lithotic therapy is an effective alternative.

Find here the stones used for mourning whose virtues are recognized to face the periods of sorrow.



****** The moon stone ******


Is strongly linked to the moon, it can help to understand cycles of change and the pain cycle.
As it is a stabilization stone, it can help Bring feelings of calm When you feel too overwhelmed by emotions.

He is a powerful healer on the emotional level, so It is particularly effective to use during the mourning period.
Discover our moonstone bracelets HERE



****** The amethyst ******

Amethyst bracelet

Is a powerful stone that works on many levels.
It is a lithotherapy stone for protective and very cleaning mourning. 
He is also a powerful healer, when used in conjunction with pink quartz, he can be very Effective to start the healing process during loss.
It is also a very soothing stone, it is therefore ideal to calm our lost emotions.
Discover our amethyst bracelets HERE



****** Cornaline ******

Corneline bracelet

Is a very interesting lithotherapy stone. She can help you to calm your emotions during the period of mourning and sorrow

Discover our Cornaline Bracelets HERE



 ****** The pink quartz *******

Rose quartz bracelet

Is an incredibly compassionate stone. He is associated with unconditional love, or to express it in terms of witchcraft, "perfect love and perfect confidence".

As he is aligned with the heart chakra, he helps rebalance shocks and trauma In the field of heart, including the feelings of sorrow and loss associated with death

Discover our pink quartz bracelets HERE



You have more questions ? Do not hesitate to write to us here. We will be delighted to answer you. 
Do not forget to share this article and leave us a comment below if you have experience to share, we would be happy to read it!
🔺 Important warning 🔺
This information on the possibilities of stones is given for information.
They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or medical treatment.
In the event of a health problem, always consult your doctor.

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