Stones to facilitate childbirth

Stones to facilitate childbirth

If you have found the beneficial stone for imminent childbirth for you, you can carry the stone on you in a practical way.

In this specific case carry the stones in energy jewelry can suit you.

You can also Place the stone in your work room To harmonize the energies circulating in the room.

Finally, you can Tighten the stone in your hands During the process, Especially before childbirth, When the contractions are getting closer or the work is long.

Your intuition counts:

The stones for childbirth that we present to you below are obviously suggestions. If you are looking for a stone for this precious moment but none of these speak to you, let your intuitionThe most important thing is that you Find a stone that will meet your real needs to help you in the process.

You may want a stone that will appease to do in front of stress, or conversely a stone that will help to draw the best into your energy stocks. You can look for a stone that Highlights negative energies Around the birth of your baby, you can look for a stone that Help sleeping better the days preceding the event. Choose the stone that will attract you and respond to what you are looking for.

Just keep the stones (s) selected on you, it would be good if you could keep them during the moment. 


Here are the 4 stones that we advise you to wear to facilitate childbirth: 


  •  Moonstone:

Moonstone bracelets

She has a soothing energy, calm fear, tension and stress, which makes it perfect for a future delivery. During work, she helps facilitate contractions.


  • Cornaline:

Corneline bracelets

It helps women to face all their fears concerning childbirth. 
Cornaline is also known for Help with work and childbirth, by providing confidence and endurance and helping to calm and eliminate anxiety.
This stone avoids hemorrhages, work on the lower abdomen, positioning and to balance the liquids of the body.


  • The Amethyst:

Amethyst bracelets

This magnificent purple stone, used for decades, is Ideal for protecting yourself and being positive. She simply purifies negative energies and emits a frequency calm and soothing, to deal with complicated situations. Real shield against the physical pain And emotional. To create a pleasant and favorable environment for childbirth.


  • Tiger's eye:

Tiger eye bracelet

The tiger eye is like a passive, defensive and protective shield that allows the affirmation of oneself and its faith in the values ​​which one defends. Suffice to say that this stone can really help during your delivery ! He is like a mirror that Reflect negative energies Towards its transmitter and gives you an independence of the mind, great autonomy in thought. 


You have more questions ? Do not hesitate to write to us here. We will be delighted to answer you. 
Do not forget to share this article and leave us a comment below if you have experience to share, we would be happy to read it!
🔺 Important warning 🔺
This information on the possibilities of stones is given for information.
They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or medical treatment.
In the event of a health problem, always consult your doctor.

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