The stones to attract luck in love

The stones to attract luck in love

Here is our guide to stones to attract luck in love.

 👉Click on the stone name to directly access the full description.


The most used protective stones for find soulmateattract love, heal THE love sorrows and the rupture pain, improve a sentimental relationship, save A couple, A marriage etc.

We must After each use thank For what they have us brought And accept energy that they channel, that they concentrate and communicate to us.

  • Moon stone : It is used to strengthen love, sweetness and understanding in a couple.
Moonstone bracelets
  • Pink quartz : Rose quartz is an unconditional love stone that calms, reassures and allows you to learn to appreciate and love yourself. This stone opens the door to sensitivity, strengthens empathy, restores confidence and brings peace and harmony. If you have never received a love, the pink quartz will open a way, if you have lost love, it will offer comfort, if you have suffered from an unhealthy relationship it will remove the negativity to replace it with esteem self.

Rose quartz bracelets
  • Amethyst : Strengthens love and allows you to live in harmony with your partner.

Amethyst bracelet
  • Adventurine : To bring calm and serenity to an agitated relationship.
Aventurine bracelets
  • Citrine : To solve emotional and sentimental problems.
Citrine bracelets
  • Cornear : To appease conflicts and arguments.
Corneline bracelets
hematite bracelet
  • Hematite : Although black color hematite is a stone that is red inside. It is associated with the planet Mars and allows you to find courage in difficult times.


You have more questions ? Do not hesitate to write to us here. We will be delighted to answer you. 
🔺 Important warning 🔺
This information on the possibilities of stones is given for information.
They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or medical treatment.

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