Eliminate back to school stress!

Eliminate back to school stress!

Stress is unfortunately part of life and When you cross difficult situations that make you anxious, Your body and its natural defenses are weakening.  

Everyone has their own ways to fight anxiety to establish inner calm. 
Each stone has their own virtues and some have different healing goals.

The energy of each stone can help live a better day.
Wearing a stone on yourself will not settle to relieve your stress for the rest of your life.
LHe minerals are excellent supplements in the management of agonizing thoughts and can help you relieve stress.

Here are 2 stones that will make your days peaceful and will help you relieve your stress in a natural way:


  •       The amethyst East A powerful, protective and curative stone.
Amethyst bracelet

    It is considered a natural tranquilizer. It relieves stress and fatigue, calms irritation, regulates mood swings and eliminates anxiety, fear, rage and anger.
    It protects you against psychic attacks and transmutes energy into love. It protects you from all kinds of damage, including inclinations and electromagnetic stress.
    She Disputes sorrow and sadness and dissolves your negativity. 

    The amethyst reject bad energy and attracts the right one.
    Discover our amethyst bracelets


    • Rose quartz  is very beneficial for anyone experienced anxiety or stress due to emotional suffering. 
    Rose quartz bracelet

    It corresponds to the heart chakra, the strongest and the great healer.
    It transmutes negative energies and replaces them with love energies. This facilitates the release of your repressed emotions, such as resentment, anger and sorrow.
    Rose quartz helps you get rid of negative emotions that cause imbalances, diseases or fears in yourself that cause your stress.
    Discover our pink quartz jewelry 


    ==> Important recommendations to reduce stress with stones:

           1) After choosing your stress states, make sure you Lto cleanse Of all the harmful energies by passing them under the smoke of incense.
    For recharge them, You can choose to leave them in the moonlight overnight or also place them under the sun. Be careful, some stones do not support the sun at the zenith. (Amethyst for example).

           2) Use them for your meditation
    These stones bear the vibration of peace and serenity. When you use them during meditation, you easily evacuate your mind from distractions.
    You can reach a meditative state, even when you feel stressed or anxious.
    Just find a peaceful place where you will not be disturbed. You can choose to sit down or lie on your back, depending on what is most comfortable for you.
    Hold your stones in your left hand that is an energetic receiver, and breathe deeply.

    Stress and anxiety states will work perfectly when they are bracelet Because they will be close to your personal auric field.

    The power of stones lies in their ability to transport and transmit healing energies. Each stone has its own unique properties that will help you in different ways.
    When you wear these bracelet stones you promote the healing of your body, your heart and your mind.

    These bracelets are a practical and beautiful way to benefit from the powers of stones against anxiety and stress.


    How to use stone?



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