Defeat fatigue thanks to lithotherapy

Defeat fatigue thanks to lithotherapy
Whether it is a weakening after lunch, a weakness in the early evening or an inability to get out of the bed in the morning due to intense lethargy, we Let's all go through more difficult periods
We know "super food" that can help us fight energy failures and fatigue periods.
 On the other hand The effectiveness of lithotherapy in the fight against fatigue in order to provide An energy boost is much less known.


Here are 3 lithotherapy against fatigue stones that have turned out to be powerful assets of energy.



 ****** The citrine stone💛 ******

Citrine bracelet

There VSItrine is considered one of the most energy -consuming. She acts as a powerful regenerator Body cells and, by regenerating cells, it acts as an effective activator, according to lithotherapy against fatigue.

 Citrine article link here


****** Coraline stone❤️ ******

Corneline bracelet

If you want to increase your energy level thanks to the crystals, there cornear is a fabulous crystal for this function.

This beautiful precious stone is used to stimulate endurance and energy. For some, carry a cheese bracelet is more effective for increase energy levels Like a cup of coffee.

Link to the Corneline article sheet here


****** La Pierre Amethyst💜 ******

Amethyst bracelet

One of the most popular and most famous crystals, L'amethyst was the "stone of spirituality" for a while.

In addition to helping people overcome dependencies, the unique properties of The amethyst create a protective field of energy around its carrier, who helps Transform negative energy into positive energy, according to lithotherapy against fatigue.

Link to the Amethyst article file here

🔺 Important warning 🔺
This information on the possibilities of stones is given for information.
They do not in any way constitute a diagnosis or medical treatment.
In the event of a health problem, always consult your doctor.

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