All about the labradorite

All about the labradorite

Labradorite owes its name to the place where it was discovered for the first time, that is to say in Labrador, Canada. Labradorite crystal is generally presented in beautiful gray-white colors, pale green, and different shades of blue, generally with iridescent gold speckles and blue lightning.

Blue Labradorite has always been associated with the magical world of spirituality. From astral trips to the development of psychic faculties such as intuition.

It has naturally become a very popular stone with people at all levels of their spiritual path, all over the world.

Pierre Labradorite

If its links with spirituality date back centuries, it is often the extent of its use that is the most impressive. Because labradorite is very easily found in many regions of the world.

It's also a pvery versatile 1st, just as beautiful in its raw and not cut form as when worked in jewelry, which can bring out its grace and its wonderful reflections.

Labradorite is not only found in exotic places, it is a stone found in hot countries, but also in fresher and more temperate territories around the world.


What are the virtues of labradorite? 

On the physical level: 

In lithotherapy, one of the most important properties of labradorite is his protective power. She acts as a real shield Who absorbed And dissolved All kinds ofnegative energies.

On the physical level, the labradorite is effective in fighting problems and diseases related to eyes. It also reduces headache and relieves migraines And Ophthalmic migraines.

This natural stone has a rejuvenating effect both physical and mental. Very useful when you are in a state of exhaustion or that we feel fatigue, physically or emotionally, the labradorite regeneration And revitalize.



There labradorite acts as a protective shield. She absorbed THE Negative energies of the environment, the ailments and the sorrows of the others, then dissolves them to protect the one who wears it.

Its radiant and warm energy is bewitching. Carry jewelry in labradorite On the skin strengthens the gift of pleases others and creates friendships. It's a opening stone, particularly recommended for lonely Or those who want to meet new people.

We associate the labradorite At entrepreneurship, because it communicates persistence, the strength to let go of anything and overcome all obstacles. She banish fears and insecurity, especially the fear of the unknown.

Its iridescence acts as an inner light. It allows you to develop your alertness And to open your soul to invisible forces. Intuition stone, it promotes premonitory dreams and helps to develop the donations of Prescience and clairvoyance.


Our jewelry in Labradorite

Discover on our shop Different Labradorite jewelry 

Labradorite braceletsLabradorite chain braceletLabradorite chain necklace


Labradorite purification

To purify your labradorite stone, we advise you to pass it under the smoke released by a natural incense paper (like the one offered on the store) for 2 minutes.


Recharge a labradorite

Place the labradorite under the moon overnight or on a flower of life for 7 hours minimum.


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